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We only serve Spiritual Coffee here

Menu we use during Spiritual Coffee - HK

There is no meeting agenda nor any kind of training or therapy. Facilitator is not here to peach nor to be a trainer, we aim allow and encourage everybody to involve and inspire the souls.

Only coffee serve in SC-HK


Non-judgemental and always open minded

$ 0.00


It may be scary or fear to get touch of something we unfamiliar, Americano-SC is combination of 20%coffee and 80% mineral water.

$ 0.00


Latte is a coffee comes with milk and foam, whole package. In our sharing, there may be laughter and tears, depends on your taste buds and sensitivity.

$ 0.00


This is the coffee containing 20% milk, 30% foam and 50% coffee. Milk is a best companion for coffee, we are being and respect the differences.

$ 0.00


It doesn't matter single or double, we order this espresso is not to showing off how bitter we can take, but appreciate our own cup of espresso, our own life path.

$ 0.00

Cold drinks

Air con is on 24/7, please bring your own survival kit or we have blanket to warm your heart.


SC Affirmation Card deck

To help to support our SC going and pay for the venue fee, please get a deck to inspire your asleep friends too.



Each deck of SC Affirmation card contains 30 different affirmation. Each statement carries harmonious energy shift inside and outside of our heart.


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